Two of Every Kind

It's NOT Over Your Head

Scott Gravitt Season 1 Episode 16

It is our WORLD that is confusing and chaotic; our God gives light and peace.

Image by Vilius Kukanauskas from Pixabay

An earlier episode explained that some matters are beyond our comprehension and those things belong to God.  But there are many things, even deep things, that God wants and expects us to understand.

When it comes to spiritual matters, God, religion, etc., no doubt people have come along and muddied the waters.  The confusion these religious teachers have caused has led many people to simply throw up their hands and say, “it can’t be understood”.  But Satan is behind that mantra, not God.

Granted, some matters are more difficult, but God is clear and understandable in His instructions toward us.  Some are overwhelmed by the challenge of understanding who God is and what He wants, but notice the words of David in Psalm 119:105:

Your word is a lamp to my feet,

    a light for my path.

God’s word showed him direction, and prevented him from wandering aimlessly in the dark.

About a thousand years later, Jesus preached good news of salvation and eternal life, and great crowds of common people heard Him with joy.  This shows that the message of the gospel and things that pertain to life are not for some super-intellectual, elite religious class.  On the contrary, they’re the ones who often got it wrong due to their hard hearts and pride.  Remember, Jesus chose fishermen to be in His inner circle, not the religious elite.

Later the apostle Paul wrote:

do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is

So God’s message is one we can comprehend.  

And that reality hasn’t changed.

As you seek truth, block out those destructive nay-sayers.  Jesus was, is, and always be, the light of the world… don’t be left in the dark.


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