Two of Every Kind

Living in a Fantasy?

Scott Gravitt Season 1 Episode 15

Whatever things are TRUE... do you think on these things?

Image by Ralph Leonard Poon from Pixabay

Well, it’s summertime which means there has been no shortage of “superhero” movies; one of which has already grossed over a billion dollars in less than a month.

We love to be entertained.  The amount of fiction books, TV shows, and movies seems to be unlimited.  Children love to pretend to be characters who possess superpowers or have adventures on unknown worlds.  But even adults can’t seem to get enough, as many are just looking for an escape from life’s harsh realities.

While we like to take our minds off our current, troubled world and transplant our imaginations into an alternate reality, fiction is not the best escape from reality.  Reality is!  

Ok, on the surface, this makes no sense, because if reality is so great and fulfilling, we wouldn’t be trying to escape it, would we?  And we wouldn’t be relying so heavily on fake stories to give us… a way out.

But here’s the reality…

Peter wrote that God has granted to us His precious and exceedingly great promises.

God assures us there is a future home where He will replace the difficult things we try to avoid in this world, with eternal blessings.  

Distresses, weariness, wickedness, injustice, heartache, illness, and even death will be replaced with peace, rest, love, goodness, joy, immortal bodies, and eternal life.  

In the book of Revelation we’re given a limited glimpse of that majestic world. But we can be certain it is more beautiful and tranquil than anything that can come from the imaginations of men.   And these things should be a greater focus of our meditation, because they …actually do exist.  

And that should make us marvel.

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